Permaculture Consultancy
Our Urban & Rural Micro-Farm, Homestead & Garden Services include:
- Assessment of your property, your vision & goals.
- Assessment of your potential projects & current systems.
- Advice based on decades of experience as per 'Bretts Credentials' below.
We can provide advice & guidance on:
- general design & planning > design process, project planning, priortising, etc
- homesteading >
- water management > retention, harvesting, storage & diversion
- soil management > building fertility, composting, bio-fert, teas, maintenance etc
- shelterbelts creation > micro-climate, shading, vertical fodder, edibles etc
- element placement > gardens, orchards, food forests, built structures, water tanks, animal systems, compost systems, shelterbelts etc
- construction types > trades, materials, resourcing techniques, etc.
- earthworks > land-forming / earthworks / swales
- low maintenance > farming & gardening techniques / strategies
- integrated orchards > espalier systems, kitchen orchards, maintenance etc
- income > from homesteading and small acre farming
- small animal management > vertical fodder systems, maintenance, husbandry etc.
- plant guilds > & forest layering systems including species, hardiness, benefit etc
- food forest systems > set-out, planning, plant selection, succession, maintenance etc
- aquaculture systems > set-out, planning, edible aquatic plant species etc
- project management > planning, trade & resource coordination
- veg & herb gardening > grow systems, strategies & technique, plant types, etc
- wildlife management > planning, protective systems, natural solutions, etc
1/ Site-Walk Guidance Consult (hourly rate)
Allows for 3hrs (minimum) onsite providing permaculture advice in real-time, noting where elements can be located on site according to your personal vision & site assessment, discussions & permaculture principles.
We can 'ground truth' these elements by marking them out on the ground if required, making sketches of certain elements & noting requirements to bring your vision to life.
This option is supported by one drone photo each of overhead & landscape views to assist with the reporting & provide you with current aerial observations of your property.
You also receive support from our permaculture database as required for each consult.
Administration is based on an hourly rate.
2/ Full Concept Design & Report Consult (set fee)
Allows for 2hrs (minimum) onsite providing permaculture advice in real-time, noting where elements can be located on site according to your personal vision & site assessment, discussions & permaculture principles.
We can 'ground truth' these elements by marking them out on the ground if required & including this information into the report.
This option is supported by full aerial drone photography to assist with the reporting & provide you with current aerial observations of your property.
A Concept Overlay is a digital design overlaid onto an aerial photo, it depicts (via your vision / goals) where elements can be located on site according to the site assessment described in the report.
So the Concept Design provides a visual of how your property could look in the future based on the permaculture design process & whole systems thinking.
The supporting Consultation Report is an explanation of each project identified within the overall concept (shelterbelts, kitchen garden, orchard, nursery, compost bays, loading bays, etc) to assist with future project management of each project.
This report is an informative & visual 'Storyboard' of options for each element. (Raised kitchen garden beds > metal, timber, stone, terraced etc etc)
Your report provides water harvesting potential, site risks / threats, solstice sun projections (summer / winter), system protection, micro-climate requirements and much more.
This consultation is to help you plan your future homestead / farm / garden as a whole system and allow you to prioritise & start on the most important projects!
Please note it does NOT provide full project detail for every project as this is 'Project Management' and requires individual projects to have individual focus of resources (materials + labour) & scope of works.
Both options allow you to know WHERE your system elements will be located & WHY they are located in those positions (think beneficial relationships).
Supporting our consult is a variety of Techniques & Methods + Planting info etc, much of which has been created by Limestone Permaculture (sheet mulching 101, walk-in exclusion tunnel plans, plant lists, native edibles, fruit & nut, perennial vegetables etc)

Owner / Steward / Farmer & Educator @ 'Limestone Permaculture' - Rural Farm (2010 to current)
Owner / Steward / Gardener @ 'The Urban Squeeze' - Urban Farm (2001 to 2010)
Advanced Permaculture Design Process Course with ‘David Holmgren & Dan Palmer’
Permaculture Cert IV – Riverina TAFE (2 year course)
Permaculture Design Certificate (PRI)
Holistic Farm Management - TOCAL (Inside-Outside Management)
Introduction to Biodynamics Course - Charlie Arnott
Trade Carpenter, Joiner & Landscaper since 1985
Building Trade Services Coordinating Manager (Newcastle Council 2007 - 2017)
Licensed & Registered Drone (UAV) operator (Cert III UAV)
Diploma - Project Management
Diploma - Management
Midcoast Growers Network - President (current)
Stroud Show - Produce Pavilion ‘Chief Steward’ (past)
Stroud Growers Market - Committee Chairman (past)
Mayfield Community Gardens Coordinator (past)
The end result can be a property that is in harmony with nature, beautiful, resilient, multi-functional and highly productive.
Please email for more detail