Limestone Permaculture Evolution

Limestone Permaculture Farm is a successful, highly productive one acre demonstration property, created using Permaculture Design Processes & Principles,
located in the village of 'Stroud Road' NSW.
Our vision is to deliver ethical, health conscious & empowering permaculture goods & services
to our community & surrounding regions.
Our farm showcases practical, transitioning & evolving permaculture system examples
integrated into our Land, Life & Business including:
- Smart Permaculture Homesteading, Micro-Farming & Market Gardening
- Project Management, Practical Application & Resourceful Implementation
- Focusing on Healthy Soils, Water Management & System Stability.
- Espaliered & Free-range Orchards on water harvesting Swales & Terraces.
- Market Gardening / Farmgate Produce Sales / Seed Saving & Propagation.
- Integrated Animal Management & Ethical Processing.
- Native Bush Foods / European & Native Bee Keeping.
- Preserving, Fermenting, & Farm Fresh Nutritious Cooking
- Exampling Diverse Energy Systems & much more ...
Our story includes our Life Evolution! Creating a Permaculture Farm & Permaculture Business, raising a young Family more naturally & transitioning from offsite income to Onsite Income!
So from May 2010 to Dec 2017 we created & transformed our wonderful homestead / micro-farm all whilst working 50hr week full-time jobs off farm.
But... In January 2018 we completed the income transition to a 100% on-site business
& homestead / micro-farm life and we haven't looked back!

Limestone Permaculture